Art Therapy Program in Addiction Recovery


Art Therapy Program in Addiction Recovery – Looking for hope and help? 888-717-9725 What role does art play in addiction recovery? How does art help those struggling with alc…


Bill to allow medicinal use of cannabis oil on horizon

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

The debate at the Capitol on medicinal marijuana has ramped up in recent years, but Denton, R-Louisville, said the oils dealt with in her legislation lack the psychoactive effects of marijuana. The medicinal oils would only be available at University …


FDA aims new anti-smoking ad at teens

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) — The Food and Drug Administration is introducing a new campaign aiming to encourage teens to stop smoking before it becomes an addiction. … In Kentucky, the outlook is even more grim than compared to the rest of the country.
Read more on WHAS (subscription)