What Does a Substance Abuse Evaluation Consist of for Marijuana?

Question by : What does a substance abuse evaluation consist of for marijuana?
I live in the state of Massachusetts and I am court ordered to take a substance abuse evaluation for marijuana. What does this process consist of?

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Aligning Substance Abuse Prevention with Mental Health and Primary Care – CSAP Director Frances Harding discusses with SAMHSA’s CAPT Principal Investigator Wayne Harding the agency’s vision for delivering prevention services in the context of behavioral health.


From Twitter:

RT @WoWFactz: Lack of sleep can result in increased desire for sex and substance abuse among teens. – by kingsCol007 (Victor)


From Twitter:

“@Dougie2Cups: I been sober. I been bored af too. Relearning life without substance abuse :/” 2 days no kush – by jayl33 (jay lee)


From Twitter:

Substance Use and Abuse: Sociological Perspectives: While the issues of substance use and abuse have been addres… http://t.co/mjAupxP6 – by NelleStanaland6 (Nelle Stanaland)