Marijuana Maintenance: Cannabis for Alcohol Dependence

Marijuana Maintenance: Cannabis for Alcohol Dependence — You might be saying to yourself, why do we need to use medical marijuana for alcohol dependence–can’t we just send everybody to a 12 step program and make t…

Alcohol dependency in Japan
An estimated 6.45 million people in Japan suffer from alcohol-related problems. Among them are 800,000 people who suffer from alcohol dependency severe enough to require medical treatment, yet only 40,000 of them receive such treatment each year, …
Read more on The Japan Times

Study uncovers surprising differences in brain activity of alcoholdependent
The findings indicate that the anterior insular region of the brain may be implicated in the process, suggesting a possible new target of treatment for alcohol-dependent women. "We see that the network dynamics of alcohol-dependent women may be really …
Read more on Sigma Triton Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa

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